Email Marketing


Email Marketing

Email Marketing

With the increase in customers, vendors and staff it is not possible to address everyone individually. Instead it would be a viable option to use an affordable and logical way to go about the process. E-mail is nothing but electronic messages which are exchanged between two or more people. Seeing the rapid development in technology, almost everyone has access to an email accounts. Some people have multiple user accounts. In fact, today every mobile phone also supports emails. So, you can send your client, vendor and staff the information required just in one click on the go.

Marketing is basically the process of approaching the target customers and convincing them to buy the products or avail the services. There are many different ways of marketing but email is one of the most cost productive ways to serve the purpose. This is one easy way of marketing for your products and creating awareness amongst people about the different schemes, rebates, quantity, gifts, usable benefits, discounts and more. Email offers many facilities and one of the most used one is attachments through which you can send Attachments in the Email. These attachments may be in different formats like- word file, excel file, power point presentation, jpeg image or a PDF format.

  • You can send Email to your Client, Vendor and Staff just in one click.
  • You can send Attachments in the Email.

Through email marketing you can make sure that the information has reached everyone. This type of marketing is also comfortable for the clients, vendors and staff because if at any point of time they are busy, they can get to the work later. It is very easy to communicate through and they may respond in their leisure time.

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Unit 8C . Merton Road Bristol BS7 8TL (+44 117 318 0585)

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(+91 98914 36683)

United Kingdom

(+44 117 318 0585)

About Us

One of the most striking web development and digital marketing company incorporated in the year 2009, Intact Advertising holds a strong root in the competitive market.